First Toolbox
Wrap partners are encouraged to use the first toolbox in the Wraparound Youth Engagement Kit during their initial one-on-one with the youth. The toolbox is made up of three components: 1. Stacked Deck 2. FAQ Dice 3. Wrap Advocacy Guide
Stacked Deck
Stacked Deck is a card game that the Wrap partner plays with the youth during their first one-on-one. The game aims to help the Wrap partner build rapport and establish trust with the youth by asking and answering thoughtful questions. Each question goes beyond the surface level to help both parties get to know each other on a personal level. The questions are also designed to introduce the program's values and highlight what makes Wraparound different.
FAQ Dice
We’ve included an FAQ Dice in the toolbox with common questions from Wraparound youth. In our experience, youth have lots of questions but don’t always know what or how to ask, and sometimes they're just a little shy. With the toolkit, the youth can ask questions in a stigma-aware manner that is interactive and encourages thoughtful communication between them and their Wrap partner.
Wrap Advocacy Guide
The Wrap Advocacy Guide is a tip sheet that supports the Wrap partner as they work to ensure that every interaction with youth and their Wrap team is engaging and follows Wraparound principles. This guide includes tips on everything from how to make sure the youth’s voice is heard throughout the process to creating a stigma-free and youth-centered environment.

Second Toolbox
The second toolbox in the Wraparound Youth Engagement Kit dives deeper into goal setting and understanding where the youth wants to be in the future. This toolbox can be used on the second or third one-on-one after the youth and the Wrap partner have built a foundation for their relationship. The second toolbox includes: 1. Creatures of Fate Activity 2. Creatures of Fate Journal 3. Accessories
Creatures of Fate
Creatures of Fate is an activity where the youth creates two depictions of themselves: one of the way they currently see themself and another that shows where they would like to be in one year. The activity serves as an opportunity for the youth to open an authentic discussion about their identity and personal goals.
Creatures of Fate Journal
Upon the completion of the activity, the Wrap partner will use the Creatures of Fate Journal to lead a discussion about what they can do to support the youth in achieving their goals. The Wrap partner will log what they discuss in the journal so they can revisit it at their next one-on-one and help move the Wrap process forward.
We know that every youth is different, so we have included some helpful accessories to aid Wrap partners in their customization of the process. These accessories include blank cards for Stacked Deck, dry-erase markers for Creatures of Fate, and a fine-tip pen for writing in the Creatures of Fate Journal.

Wraparound Youth Engagement Kit
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